Add or remove additional users to an account at any time. Also set permissions and "Roles."
Begin by accessing the "Users" link under the settings icon.
From the "Users" window, use the [+ Invite User] button to email the proposed user.
One can select a Role for a new user when inviting them, which can further restrict what they can see and do from their dashboard. The new User will have to authenticate themselves through the email and then create their own password. A user can use the same email and password to access muntiple accounts.
After the new User has been added to the account, you can set their permission levels, send them a password reset email, change their "Role" or remove them from the account.
Manageable permission levels include:
- Manage Account Settings - allows the user to manage the account settings of other users.
- Manage Billing - allows the user to manage the billing settings of the account
- Manage Users - allows the user to add or delete users from the account
- Add or remove AppIDs - allows the user to add or remove App IDs from the account
- Turn ID visibility on/off - allows the user to unpublish an app
- Access metrics dashboard - Allows the user to assess the account metrics.
- Access Push Notifications - Allows the user to send push notifications and monitor engagement.
Use Role's to control which Apps or Actions a user can see and/or edit in the account.
Accessing Multiple Accouts with the same Log-in
A user email can be the "owner" of only one account, just as an account can have only one owner.
However, a user can have a login to multiple accounts. For example, two different accounts can invite "" to be an admin.
When one receives an invite to a second account, rather than setting up a new password, enter the existing password.
Thereafter, when you log in, you will be able to tap the "Accounts" button in the upper right of the dashboard and see a selector that will allow you to move between the authorized accounts.
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