Actions are the modular building blocks of your App that can have a range of functions such as link to a URL, sharing, calling, viewing a video, visiting a subpage, and more.
Each Action has 2 call-to-action options:
- Any combination of Title, description, and image.
- A Button
Title, Description, and Image (Default Style)
Designing call-to-actions based on a Title, Description, and Image is simple because you just click through your image positions and text allignment options until you see the look you want.
Below are copies of the same link Action with different formatting selections for the call-to-action. The "Advanced Action Style" was used in the red background action (upper right) to select color options different than those default settings made in the Style tab.
Advanced Action Style
The color scheme for Actions are set at the app level (in the Style tab) to maintain consistancy. If you want an Action to stand out, you can control its individual Style with the Advanced Action Style.
Try hiding the container with images to show them with square corners and without a box around the test. This option is best used with header images and menus. Or change the border color to make add a highlight.
Also try a colored border with an action background matching the app abckground.
Finally, you can change the text size and the weight of the border line.
A "Button" as a Call-to-Action
Bottons are even simpler. Choose the "Button" option for the Call to Action.
And then select:
Shape: Circular, Rounded, or Square
Effects: Shadow, Shake, and Full Width
Text: Choose the text Size and Color by highlighting it and using the rich text controls
Button and Border Colors.
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