This platform allows you to create a rich, multi-action experience, and to turn that experience into a progressive web app (PWA) in seconds.
A PWA is a mobile-first website with the characteristics of an app.
- works across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices
- is an app and a website at the same time
- installs to on a user's home screen
- has an icon and short name
- works off-line
- allows push messages
- has in-app navigation
- can be shared across any channel
- is discoverable by search engines
In order to make your app an installable PWA, first go to the "PWA" tab and switch PWA to "ON".
Then add the PWA metadata:
1. Add your App's "Short Name." (12 characters or less)
2. Add the "App Description"
3. Pick an icon from our library and style it or upload your own image or icon.
4. [Important] Choose the color of the "splash screen" which is the background color users see while your app is loading and the color of the top bar in your browser.
5. Add a screenshot of your app and a description for the app store. This is optionl at present but Google may use these fields in the future to add PWAs to an app store.
6. Choose if you want to use the default app install prompt, none at all, or a custom prompt. If you do not want to install your app, our recomeddation is that you still make it a PWA and fill out the metadata, but turn off the install prompt.
Below is the default prompt for iOS. The install prompt on Android is system generated.
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