Cloning starts with a completed app and creates a new app that is a duplicate, or near duplicate of the original app. It occurs within an account. A common use is to create a master digital card and then to make clones for individual employees.
Cloaned apps typically share Actions such that updates to common Actions affect all associated apps.
Copying a template starts with a new app where the user wants to speed the process of building an app by copying Actions or Stying from a different app.
Templates are typically copied from apps in different accounts, and the new app gets its Actions from the template but does not share those Actions with the template app. Thus you can update the new app without also making changes to the original template.
Making a template Any app can be a template. One just has to switch the setting that appears below the App's preview from "Private" to "Template."
Important note: If template app has a tag, it will appear in our public template selector. If not, it's a great tool to transfer apps from one account to another.
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